>>Partner Registration Form
Partner Registration Form2018-10-17T19:05:39-04:00

Partner Registration Form

Welcome! To register as a FSW Partnering Organization, please do the following:

  1. Fill out a registration form
  2. Read the terms and check the box signifying you accept them
  3. Hit the submit button

We’re so glad you are joining us!

    All fields required.


    TERMS: The organization listed above wishes to be a Partnering Organization for Free Speech Week, Oct. 22-28, 2018. Partnering Organizations are entitled to use the official FSW logotype and the slogan "Free Speech: The Language of America" in furtherance of Free Speech Week, consistent with the goals of the Week. Partnering Organizations agree that FSW staff may use their name and logo to identify them as such on the FSW Web site and in other FSW materials. There is no fee to be a Partnering Organization. This request to be an FSW Partnering Organization is subject to confirmation by FSW staff.

